Chase G. Queen

Chase G. Queen

Chase “grew up in the court house” as he will tell you. His father was the District Attorney of the Appalachian Judicial Circuit for 20 years. His goal was always to follow in his father’s footsteps and pursue a career as an attorney.

Chase has always been a very driven individual. Upon graduating 3rd in his class of over 250 from Gilmer High School in 2008, he was given an award in recognition for 13 years of perfect attendance in the Gilmer County School System. 

Chase then attended the University of Georgia where he graduated Cum Laude in 2012 with a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics. Chase was accepted into Georgia State Law shortly after and completed his Juris Doctor degree in two and a half years, graduating in 2014.

Amanda queen

Amanda is Chase’s wife and the Office Manager at Queen Law Office. She is from Gilmer County and graduated from Gilmer High School in 2007. She attended The Art Institute of Atlanta for two years for Photography. She then went on to Kennesaw State University where she graduated in 2013 with her Bachelors in Business Management. 


Taylee Law

Collins Case

Cruise Chase